Marine Bio-Diversityelpt
- Development of Indian finfish and shellfish biodiversity knowledge base to strengthen taxonomic and systematic research on marine organisms and also to foster the assessment of biological diversity in Indian seas.
- Development of GIS based Database and Information System- Mapping of resources.
- Monitoring the factors influencing changes of marine bioresources in time and space for the establishment of environment baseline.
- Monitoring the conservation biology of economically important and threat-prone species and fragile ecosystems.
- Development of innovative methods to assess biodiversity.
- Development of in-situ and ex-situ conservative methods for endangered species.
- Linking efforts to assess biodiversity to already established conservation programmes such as the IUCN Global System of Representative Marine Protected Areas as well as the initiatives of our country.
- Development and maintenance of database of Marine Biodiversity Museum to disseminate the information on the web to make it easily accessible to researchers all over the world
Research Projects
Xth Plan
- Studies on the coral biodiversity of the Gulf of Mannar Marine Biosphere Reserve. (MBD/01)
- Species diversity of exploited Marine Finfish Resources along the Indian coasts. (MBD/02)
- Studies on the Specific and Intraspecific diversity of Carangids of the Indian Seas. (MBD/03)
XIth Plan
- Understanding the threatened Coral reef ecosystems of Southern India and Designing Interventions aimed at their restoration’
- Studies on the specific and intraspecific diversity of carangids of the Indian seas'
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