Marine Biotechnologyelpt
- Physiology, Nutrition and Pathology
- Fish and crustacean Nutrition, Feed Biotechnology
- Fish Shellfish Health (Pathology, Microbiology, Immunology, Cell Culture & Molecular Diagnostics)
- Fish Genetics & Genomics, Fish Physiology, Biochemistry and Bioprospecting
Research projects
Xth Plan In-house completed projects (2000-2007)
- PNP/NUT/01: Development of cost- effective and eco- friendly feeds for cultivable marine crustaceans and finfish by biotechnological interventions.
- PNP/GEN/01: Population genetic studies in threadfin breams and sardines
- PNP/BIOT/01:Development of molecular and immunodiagnostic kits for marine finfish and shellfish pathogens
- PNP/BIOT/02: Cryopreservation of marine fish spermatozoa
- PNP/PAT/01: Disease monitoring and management in Mariculture
Sponsored Projects (completed)
- Nutrition and Pathology in Mariculture (National Agricultural Technology Project P.I. Dr. R. Paul Raj)
- Development of a National Referral laboratory for Marine fish and shell fish Microbial diseases (National Agricultural Technology Project/CGP) Dr.K.C. George
- Studies on biotechnological aspects of disease management in aquaculture using immunostimulants (Department of Biotechnology, Govt. of India; P.I. Dr. A.P. Lipton)
- Studies on the biology, captive spawning and sea ranching of the seahorse, Hippocampus sp.(Ministry of Environment and Forests, Govt. of India; P.I. Dr. A.P. Lipton)
- Studies on immune response in shrimp (ICAR AP Cess, P.I. Dr. S.R. Krupesha Sharma)
- Studies on immune response during moult cycle in the spiny lobster (Panulirus homarus) (Department of Science & Technology, Govt. of India P.I. Dr. S.R. Krupesha Sharma)
- Evaluation of genetic heterogeneity in marine ornamental fishes using molecular genetic markers (ICAR AP Cess ; P. I. Dr. P. Jayasankar )
- Breeding and culture of pearl oysters and production of pearls (NATP, Co-PI Shri. D.C.V. Easterson)
XIth Plan Projects
- PNP/NUT/01: Formulation and evaluation of larval and grow out feed for marine crabs, lobsters, ornamentals and cage farmed finfish
- PNP/BIOT/02: Biotechnological applications in mariculture and conservation
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