About Uselpt
The Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute established by the Government of India under the Ministry of Agriculture in 1947 became a member of the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) family in 1967. The headquarters was shifted from Mandapam Camp to Cochin in 1971.
Over the period, the Institute has grown significantly in its size, stature & research infrastructure. Now, it enjoys the status of a premier research organisation comparable to any similar institution in the developed countries.
With the fast changing marine fisheries scenario and emergence of mariculture as a viable proposition for enhancing the production , the Institute over the years has tuned its mandate in consonance with the needs of the time. | Dr.G.Syda Rao Director |
Our Headquaters | Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute Post Box No. 1603, Ernakulam North P.O., Kochi-682 018. Phone: (Resi): 0484-2323440(Off): 0484 2394357, 2391407, 2394867, 2394312, 2397569, 2394268, 2394750, 2394296. Telegram : CADALMIN, Ernakulam Fax : 0091-0484-2394909 E-mail : director@cmfri.org.in |
Our Organisation Chart
MANDATE (As approved by Indian Council of Agricultural Research)
- To monitor the exploited and assess the under-exploited of the marine fisheries resources of the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ).
- To understand the fluctuations in abundance of marine fisheries resources in relation to change in the environment.
- To develop suitable mariculture technologies for finfish, shellfish and other culturable organisms in open seas to supplement capture fishery production.
- To act as a repository of information on marine fishery resources with a systematic database.
- To conduct transfer of technology, post graduate and specialized training, education and extension education programmes.
- To provide consultancy services.
Contact Details To Contact Director, Heads of Divisions & other officials | | In-Charge | E-mail Id | Director | Dr. G. Syda Rao | director@cmfri.org.in | Fishery Resources Assessment | Dr. T.V. Sathianandan (In-Charge) | frad@cmfri.org.in | Pelagic Fisheries | Dr. (Mrs.) Grace Mathew (In-Charge) | pfd@cmfri.org.in | Demersal Fisheries | Dr. P.U. Zacharia | dfd@cmfri.org.in | Crustacean Fisheries | Dr. E.V. Radhakrishnan | cfd@cmfri.org.in | Molluscan Fisheries | Dr. K. Sunilkumar Mohamed | mfdcmfri@vsnl.com | Fishery Environment Management
| Dr. (Mrs.) V. Kripa | femd@cmfri.org.in | Marine Biotechnology | Dr. K. K. Vijayan | mbtd@cmfri.org.in | Socio Economic Evaluation & Technology Transfer | Dr. R. Narayanakumar (In-Charge) | seettd@cmfri.org.in | Marine Bio-Diversity | Dr. (Mrs.) Mary K. Manissery | mbd@cmfri.org.in | Mariculture | Dr. G. Gopakumar | mariculture@cmfri.org.in | Consultancy Cell | Dr. (Mrs.) Grace Mathew | consultancy@cmfri.org.in | Chief Administrative Officer | Shri Rakesh Kumar | cao@cmfri.org.in | Senior Finance & Accounts Officer | Shri A.V. Joseph | sfao@cmfri.org.in | Public Information Officer | Dr. (Mrs.) Grace Mathew | pio@cmfri.org.in | Vigilance Officer | Dr. P.U. Zacharia | vigilance@cmfri.org.in | Policy Cell Chairman | Dr. E. Vivekanandan | policycell@cmfri.org.in |
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