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About us
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Research Centres

About us
The Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute established by the Government of India under the Ministry of Agriculture in 1947 became a member of the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) family in 1967. The headquarters was shifted from Mandapam Camp to Cochin in 1971.
Over the period, the Institute has grown significantly in its size, stature & research infrastructure. Now, it enjoys the status of a premier research organisation comparable to any similar institution in the developed countries.
Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute
Post Box No. 1603, Ernakulam North P.O.,
Kochi-682 018.
Phone: (Per): 2394798, (Resi): 2382972, 2367053
(Off): 2394867, 2394357, 2394794, 2394312, 2390191, 2394268, 2394795, 2394750, 2394296, 2391407, 2394818.
Telegram : CADALMIN, Ernakulam
Telex : 885-6435 MFRI IN
Fax : 0091-0484-2394909
E-mail : mdcmfri@md2.vsnl.net.in
With the fast changing marine fisheries scenario and emergence of mariculture as a viable proposition for enhancing the production , the Institute over the years has tuned its mandate in consonance with the needs of the time.
Director - MJ Modayil
Prof(Dr). MJ Modayil

To Contact Director,Heads of Divisions & other officials at Headquarters


Prof. (Dr.) M.J.Modayil


Fishery Resources Assessment Dr. M. Srinath mdcmfri@md2.vsnl.net.in
Molluscun Fisheries Dr. Sunil Kumar Mohammed mfdcmfri@vsnl.com
Fishery Environment Management Dr. M. Rajagopalan femdcmfri@vsnl.com
Physiology Nutrition Pathology  Dr.K. Vijayan pnpd-cmfri@sancharnet.in
Pelagic Fisheries Dr. N.G.K. Pillai pfdcmfri@md5.vsnl.net.in
Demersal Fisheries Dr. E. Vivekanandan dfdcmfri@md5.vsnl.net.in
Crustacian Fisheries Dr. E.V. Radhakrishnan enk_cfdcmfri@md5.vsnl.net.in
Socio Economic Evaluation & Technology Transfer Dr. R. Sathiadhas mdcmfri@md2.vsnl.net.in
Marine Bio-Diversity Dr. Rani Mary George mdcmfri@md2.vsnl.net.in
Senior Administrative Officer Shri. K.L. Meena mdcmfri@md2.vsnl.net.in
Senior Finance & Accounts Officer Shri. G.P. Sharma mdcmfri@md2.vsnl.net.in
Public Information Officer Dr. L. Krishnan, Principal Scientist mdcmfri@md2.vsnl.net.in
Asst. Public Information Officer Shri. K.L. Meena, Sr. Administrative Officer mdcmfri@md2.vsnl.net.in

.  Head Quarters
.  Regional Centre
   Research Centres
.  Field Centres
.  Field Lab/Farm


To monitor the exploited and assess the under-exploited marine fisheries resources of the Exclusive Economic Zone.
To understand the fluctuations in abundance of marine fisheries resources in relation to change in the environment.
To develop suitable mariculture technologies for finfish, shellfish and other culturable organisms in open seas to supplement capture fishery production.
To act as a repository of information on marine fishery resources with a systematic database.
To conduct transfer of technology, post graduate and specialized training, education and extension education programmes.
To provide consultancy services.

The Institute organises M.F.Sc. And Ph.D programmes under the Post Graduate Programme in Mariculture under affiliation to the Central Institute of Fisheries Education, Mumbai, a Deemed University under the ICAR. The teaching programme is carried out by the scientists of the Institute.

Training Programmes
Training in fisheries, mariculture, animal husbandry and related subjects is givenn to fishers, fish farmers, agricultural farmers and farm women by the Krishi Vigyann Kendra (KVK). Training to officials of the State Government, Banks, Societies and other agencies interested in fisheries research, education and development on the same topics is given by the Trainer's Training Centre(TTC).

Library and Documentation
The Institute has its central library at Cochin holding over 60,000 volumes of books, periodicals and reports. A total of 78 foreign and 41 Indian periodicals are subscribed.
The library has a CD-SERVER connected to the Institute’s Computer Network and has internet connectivity for global access.
The library also has good reprographic facilities.

Computer Centre
The Institute has a well equipped computer centre provided with state of the art computers and accessories .
The National Marine Living Resources Data Centre(NMLRDC) and the ARIS Cell get necessary hardware and software support from the Centre.
The Institute is provided with LAN facility and Internet Connectivity
