Year (complete patent) | Technology Title and application number |
2001 | On shore marine pearl culture 458/DEL/2001 |
2004 | Hatchery technology for production of damselfish 1638/DEL/2004 |
2004 | Pearl production techniques through tissue culture in the Indian pearl oyster (Pinctada fucata) and the abalone, (Haliotus varia and other pearl producing mollusks 1987/DEL/2004 |
2005 | Hatchery technology for production of clown fish 3455/DEL/05 (Filed for examination request in 2025) |
2008 | A phytase produced extracellularly from thermophilic bacterium 203/CHE/2008 |
2009 | In vitro pearl production using marine organisms Global Patent PCT/IB2006/003299 |
2009 | In vitro pearl production using marine organisms 12/515, 892 (US) |
2009 | In vitro pearl production using marine organisms 06820941.0 (France) |
2009 | In vitro pearl production using marine organisms 2025-537706 (Japan) |
2009 | A method and composition for land-based culturing of pearl oyster in marine body and device therefore 1543/CHE/2009 |
2010 | A device for breeding and culturing marine fish in open sea 31/CHE/2010 |
2010 | Formulated feed for marine ornamental fishes and a process thereof 32/CHE/2010 |
2011 | A process to concentrate anti-inflammatory principles from green mussel Perna viridis L. and a product incorporating these ingredients 2025/CHE/2010 |
2011 | A product containing anti-inflammatory principles from green mussel Perna viridis L. and a process thereof 2025/CHE/2010 |
2011 | A process to prepare naturalised Artemia francesciana from indian subcontinent with high docosahexaenoic acid and trehalose for aquaculture applications 2025/CHE/2010 |
2011 | A process to prepare antioxidant and anti-inflammatory concentrates from brown and red seaweeds and a product therof 2025/CHE/2010 |