Intellectual Property Management and Technology Transfer/ Commercialization Unit (ITMU)

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    • Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute is the pioneering ICAR institute to conduct marine fisheries research in India, and therefore endowed with the potential to benefit the fish farmers and related entrepreneurs with our technologies. The transfer of IPR enabled technologies developed by CMFRI through commercial route will gain greater importance in the era of IPR and TRIPS agreement.
    • The primary objectives of IP management in CMFRI are to protect the intellectual wealth generated through our research and commercialization of IPR enabled technologies through public private partnership leading to their efficient transfer.
    • The patents are filed through ITMC (Institute Technology Management Committee) and ITMU (Intellectual Property Management and Technology Transfer/ Commercialization Unit). ITMU of CMFRI works directly under the administrative control of Director.

           Functions of ITMU of CMFRI:

    • IP protection, maintenance, management
    • Patent filing, invite expert opinion from patent attorney/IPR expert
    • ITMC duly records the reasons for acceptance/rejection of each patent proposal
    • Correction/ Rectification/ Updation of Primary Information
    • Technology transfer/commercialization

         Takes external legal and business advices wherever required

         The foreign patent cases are processed by ATMC in ICAR through ITMC/ITMU of CMFRI. The unit also  handles matters related to create awareness of IP issues  and commercialization of viable technologies.ITMU of CMFRI also invites expert opinion under a confidentiality agreement with empanelled patent attorneys.


         Tabular representation of patents filed from CMFRI




    Technology Title and application number




    On shore marine pearl culture 458/DEL/2001


    Hatchery technology for production of damselfish 1638/DEL/2004


    Pearl production techniques  through tissue culture in the Indian pearl oyster (Pinctada fucata) and  the abalone, (Haliotus varia and other pearl producing mollusks 1987/DEL/2004


    Hatchery technology for production of clown fish 3455/DEL/05 (Filed for examination request in 2025)


    A phytase produced extracellularly from thermophilic bacterium 203/CHE/2008


    In vitro pearl production using marine organisms  Global Patent



    In vitro pearl production using marine organisms 12/515, 892



    In vitro pearl production using marine organisms 06820941.0



    In vitro pearl production using marine organisms 2025-537706



    A method and composition for land-based culturing of pearl oyster in marine body and device therefore 1543/CHE/2009


    A device for breeding and culturing marine fish in open sea 31/CHE/2010


    Formulated feed for marine ornamental fishes and a process thereof 32/CHE/2010


    A process to concentrate anti-inflammatory principles from green mussel Perna viridis L. and a product incorporating these ingredients 2025/CHE/2010


    A product containing anti-inflammatory principles from green mussel Perna viridis L. and a process thereof 2025/CHE/2010


    A process to prepare naturalised Artemia francesciana from indian subcontinent with high docosahexaenoic acid and trehalose for aquaculture applications 2025/CHE/2010


    A process to prepare antioxidant and anti-inflammatory concentrates from brown and red seaweeds and a product therof 2025/CHE/2010

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