Research Projectselpt
In-house Research Projects
Assessment of Exploited Marine Fishery Resources
Stock Assessment techniques for exploited marine fish and shellfish resources
Appraisal of marine fisheries of West Bengal
Application of simulation models for marine fisheries management game (Completed)
Determination of optimum sample size to evaluate the catch and effort for use in marine fisheries (Completed)
Sponsored Research Projects
Marine Fisheries Census (Completed)
Predictive Modeling in Marine Fisheries od South west coast of India (Completed)
In-house Research Projects
PEL/CAP/1 Development of management strategies for sustainable fishery of sardines (Sardinella spp.)
Sponsored Research Projects
ntegrated National Agricultural Resources Information System -NATP
In-house Research Projects
Appraisal of Marine Fisheries of Gujarat
In-house Research Projects
Investigations on the fishery and biological characteristics of exploited penaeid shrimp stocks
Stock assessment and management of non-penaeid shrimp resources of India
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