CMFRI Trademark and Productselpt
CMFRI launched ‘CADALMIN’ as the trademark The Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute (CMFRI) has officially registered a trademark entitled ‘CADALMIN‘ for the products and services of the institute. The formal inauguration of the trademark was accomplished by Dr.C.D.Mayee, Former Chairman, Agricultural Scientists Recruitment Board (ASRB) by launching the logo of the trademark on 19.11.09 at CMFRI. The official registration of trademark ‘CADALMIN’ was done in the office of the registrar of Trademarks, India, Chennai. The applications were filed under the guidance of the approved license holding agency, ‘Trademark for India’ in two classes 31 and 35 covering the food for fish, seeds, trading and marketing. As the trademark has been officially acknowledged and numbered by the trademarks registry of Intellectual Property, India, CMFRI can use ‘cadalminTM’ for the products and services of the institute temporarily. After the clearance of the formal procedures of legal official hearing and issue of the approved certificate of the registry, within a couple of months, ‘cadalminR’ will be the permanent trademark of CMFRI for all the products and services of the institute. | |
Green Mussel Extract (GMe) Brief Description - ‘GMe’ contains 100 % natural, marine, bioactive anti-inflammatory principles extracted from green mussel.
- Constituents :A blend of nutraceuticals and nutritional elements including omega 3 fatty acids, glycogen complex, phospholipids, essential amino acids, vitamins, naturally chelated minerals, antioxidants, carotenoids and enriched polysaccharides.
- Content: Each capsule contains GME active principle 600 mg supplemented with 100 % natural ingredients.
- Target Users : Those having problems with chronic joint pain, arthritis and the product improves cardiovascular functioning.
- Dosage: Two capsules per day along with food.
Technology Benefits - A product which is effective for chronic joint pain, arthritis and inflammatory diseases.
- Free from deleterious trans-fatty acids, free radical adducts and low molecular weight carbonyl compounds.
- Improves cardiovascular functioning and is a complete nutritional supplement.
- Alternative to synthetic non steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs having undesirable side effects.
- A highly cost effective indigenous product.
Financial Aspects - Total investment = 7.26 crores*
- Rate of Return = 45.42%
- Profitability = 50.44%
- Market Potential = 600 crores/ year
*(Project duration 20 years) | 
VARNA- The marine ornamental fish feed Brief Description - ‘Varna’ is a scientifically evaluated slow sinking marine ornamental fish feed.
- Constituents : 38 % protein, 9 % fat, 39 % carbohydrates, 7% ash (minerals) and less than 2% fiber. Contents are marine protein, soy protein, wheat flour, oil vitamins, minerals, colour imparting nutrients like carotenoids from natural sources, immune promoters, probionts and antioxidants.
- Availability : In particle size: 0.25mm, 0.75 mm and 1 mm.
- Target Users : Ornamental fish farmers/ Aquarium hobbyists.
- Recommended usage: Feed 2-3 % of the fish body weight once in a day.
Technology Benefits - Capable of maintaining growth, health, colour and vigour of the fishes.
- Scientifically evaluated and standardized feed.
- Quality assured with all essential ingredients.
Financial Aspects - Total investment = 74.50 lakhs*
- Rate of Return = 41.26%
- Profitability = 51.66%
- Market Potential = 200 crores/ year
*(Project duration 20 years) | 
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